Google Analytics

We Enable You To Harness The Power Of Google Analytics!

As technology and user behavior changes, the way that we collect and analyze data must also change. Google Analytics market saturation and ease of implementation has long made it the standard for companies looking to better understand the role that their websites and mobile applications play related to their overall business goals. However, a copy-and-paste solution is just the beginning. A strategic and customized implementation is needed to truly get value out of Google Analytics.


Your Data Speaks, We Help You Listen to Your Data!

  • Analyze Traffic Source

    Google Analytics lets you figure out how your visitors locate your website. Is it through paid advertisement, search engine or a link from another website? It helps you understand which traffic source is more effective in driving visitors to your site.

  • Track Keywords Performance

    Track which keywords are performing well and which are not; allowing you to make changes in your website content by adding keyword terms that bring in more traffic.

  • Monitor Page Popularity

    Identify which of your webpages and links your visitors are clicking the most. This information allows you to improve these pages to generate more sales and direct the traffic to the most popular pages in your marketing campaigns.

  • Track Bounce Rate

    Google Analytics lets you identify which landing pages are the most popular and which pages have high bounce rates. It allows you to make improvements in these pages to reduce bounce rate, boost retention and generate leads.

  • Analyze Traffic Source and Optimize your Marketing Campaign

    It is almost fatal not to track your conversion rate. Google Analytics provides data on where the traffic is coming from, which keyword terms are being used by visitors to navigate to a specific page, the demographics, the number of new and returning visitors and so on. It helps you better position your web marketing campaigns and PPC campaigns to your targeted audience by retaining what’s working and removing what isn’t.

  • Linking AdWords to Analytics

    We combine the power of Google Analytics and AdWords by linking both accounts to help you get the most from your advertising campaign based on real ROI data. Our expertise lies in creating and providing you complete pathology report containing Google Analytics metrics such as pages per visit, average visit duration, bounce rate, percentage of new visits in your AdWords campaign.

  • Custom Reports

    Your business is unique. So the report should be customized too. We don’t do standard reports. We specialize in providing custom reports in explorer view, flat table view, or a map overlay. Custom reports offer deeper analysis and specific data such as the landing page with highest conversions from a particular country, subcontinent, continent. It saves time and provide new layer of insights into your campaign.